Thursday 21 October 2010


Andy has after the Recent Government spending Review has announced his own..
The main Points...We hear Betty Benefits are to be cut, Andy said Betty has benefited from him enough. Also Sausages to be Frozen, its not clear whether that means they are to be frozen in Storage or price Frozen..

Plus....Andys Airlines to be cut to one passenger per Airline at a time...

No steam Trains on Bangers Railways on Anyday exept Sundays and for One Hour Only...

All Roads to Keep Pot Holes and no repairs for Five Years...

Dentist Payments to soar with only check ups, teeth will have to fall out because of Cutbacks on Treatment....

So Something for everyone , I know the cuts will bite he said but we will geget through he said, but we wont be able to bite anything Andy if you take away Dental Treatment.....Dear O Dear....

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