Friday 22 January 2010


Further to our reports on Andy last night putting up posters in Schools, Colleges Bus stops etc to gain support for his Vote, he today has accused Darrell Andrews presenter of Saturday Supreme of Rigging the Voting on the poll.Darrells reaction to this today was that he said that was laughable and said that all votes are genuine from listeners. The good news is that as quick as Andy has been putting up these posters for his own supprt, people have been pulling them down again.

We also hear tonight, that Andy has become so desperate he has been phoning other Radio stations and other Media organisations saying Vote Andy, and more serioulsy this evening reports are reaching us saying that Andy is ringing 999 Emergency services and Jamming the phone lines saying Vote Andy.....We will keep you informed...The latest on the Voting is now 72% want Andy to leave as opposed to 25% that want him to stay, he is losing popularity...........

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