Thursday 23 July 2015

SPECIAL REPORT FROM STEPHEN HALL................................

Felicity hopes to have Felicity FM on the air by September. Shes says many of her Witch freinds are very excited about the new station.
Felicity says my station will cover all the Home Counties.
I think you could be in trouble with Offcom Felicity.
Andy says he hopes to start Radio Bangor on the old BBC Frequency of 648 khz. I will get natiowide coverage he says as that is the frequency that was used once by Radio 3.
Uncle and Niece as aroggant as each other.

Felicity Fm Programme guide.
6,00 The Witching Breakfast show with Felicity.
9.00 Mid Morning with Jenny Hames
1.00 Willows afternoon show
4.00 Drive time wit Silver Lone Wolf
7.00 Pagen News Day
8.00 The Stevie Nicks Hour
9.00 Howard Hughes the Unexplained
10.00 Clare Boltons Psychic late show
12.00 The Witching Hour
Pagen new age Music through the Night.

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