Thursday 21 May 2015

SPECIAL REPORT FROM STEPHEN HALL..........................

Andy is visting his Scottish Relations again this weekend the Mc Bangors.
Andy will be wearing his klit again and Felicity said she is going to put a spell on him so he cant take it off again.
She is so wicked.

Felicity says the reason she has it in for Andy is because he stole one of her dolls when she was a little girl.

She certainly  isnt very forgiving to hold a grudge all those years, Andy totally denies stealing Felicitys Dolls. Shes a wicked Girl he said.

I have just a call from Andy   complaining that he tried his Kilt on for the weekend in Scotland and now he cant get it off again. I confronted Felicity about this and she let out a Evil Laugh how could e be so cruel............................below felicity outside steves house tonight......................

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